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Glass Buildings

AWS Consulting Partner for Cloud based Solutions



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At MYNDRIVEN we endeavor to help our clients use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build sophisticated software applications with increased flexibility, scalability and reliability. From Analytics to Internet of Things (IoT) and Business Applications to Mobility using Smartphone Apps, our AWS Certified Practitioners can help take your technology plans to the next level.

Cloud Adoption Strategy

While our Cloud Adoption Strategy is not unique or trailblazing, it is founded in the experience that we have built in the AWS delivery space, with several clients delighted with where we have taken them today - along a journey they were unsure of to begin with, but now looking back cannot believe why they hadn't made the move earlier ! The pathway is well-defined in our AWS practice approach, moving through the four different stages, as depicted below.


Begins with a Cloud readiness assessment developed to help organizations jumpstart their cloud transformation journey


Establish a foundation to operationalize in the Cloud through a structured and well defined roadmap


Execution-focused teams with demonstrated AWS expertise and true DevOps and Agile-based approach


Maintain the alignment of your Cloud strategy with business objectives and operational requirements over the long term

Success Story

MYNDRIVEN helps the City of New York's Department of Social Services to move their on-premise mission critical business application for Homeless Shelter Management onto the Cloud using AWS


Cloud adoption by the Social Services agency of the City of New York began with thoughtful planning and preparation, which was driven by MYNDRIVEN'S team there on the ground, working with the internal teams within the City - from infrastructure planning to proof-of-concepts through operations strategy.

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